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About us

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M3 Investments is a Brazilian group, highly experienced and specialized in investment solutions for clients and partners, with the goal of maximizing the value of their investments.


Our team constantly monitors the financial market and evaluate the best investment opportunities in various sectors of the economy.


Our qualified professionals have vast experience in investments and technical analysis, as well as an extensive network of contacts and strategic partners.


Our commitment is to provide the best experience in financial solutions, always with transparency, ethics, and professionalism.

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Where we operate

Distressed Assets

Alternative assets, illiquid assets, business litigation, bankruptcy claims, legal claims, distressed real estate properties involved in litigation, judicial or extrajudicial contexts.


Debentures, Real Estate Receivables Certificates (CRI), Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRA), Receivables Purchase Certificates (CPR), Anticipation of Receivables, Discounting of Checks and Bills of Exchange, Structured Credit, Working Capital.

Special Situations

Direct and indirect investments in High-Yield, Structured Funds, Trade Finance, M&A. Increasing the risk-adjusted return and portfolio diversification.

Government Payment Orders

Strategic facilitation, negotiation, purchase, and receipt of state and federal government payment orders (precatorios) and credit rights.

Real State

Real estate areas or units under development or in distressed situation, Real Estate Investment Funds (REITs), Minha Casa Minha Vida/ Subdivision Projects, Built to Suit.

Trading Desk

We connect clients to the ecosystem of global high-liquidity markets such as commodities (both hard and soft), minerals, oil and derivatives, agriculture, and livestock.

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Informações e contato


Praça Ramos de Azevedo, 206, andar 17 C- CEP: 01037-910 – Centro – São Paulo – SP



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Todos os Direitos Reservados, 2023. Site Desenvolvido e Hospedado em Agência Inventare.

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